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Have you ever wanted a 30cm tall Handsome Jack statue from Gearbox? Well they didn't make one, but with the power of technology you can print one yourself!
To make this I ripped the Borderlands 2 game model, posed him, and then took it into ZBrush to convert it from a blocky low poly mesh to a smooth high detailed one.
All parts need supports generating, I used linear supports autogenerated by FlashPrint with an overhang threshhold of 40 degrees and a pillar size of 1.5mm which worked well enough.
This print has been built with pegs for easy assembly but some may be a tight fit, just cut them off if they cause any trouble. The shirt tail doesn't have any pegs for alignment. (I haven't quite got the hang of prepping models with pegs yet, sorry!)
There's also a full model version of Jack which is not split up in any way, it would probably need some crazy supports and is totally untested but I figured it was worth including for those who want to tinker.
Watch the full video here: