Fiat 600 Scale Model

Prints (0)


This is a Fiat 600 scale model in 1/24 scale, it comes in versions with different front, the orange one is easier to print because it does not have any small detail.

All the pieces are watertight and have been rotated for easy print. The models need support in order to save materials, you could also divide it in more pieces to reduce the supports.

The present photos are showing a 3D render view. So do not hesitate to share your print's photos in the "Makes" section of PinShape. Have a nice 3D print!

Follow me on Instagram: @ guaro3D

Design Files

File Size

Carroceria Trasera.stl
1.88 MB
Parachoques Delantero.stl
374 KB
Parachoques Delantero(1).stl
374 KB
Parachoques trasero.stl
408 KB
Rueda 1.stl
284 KB
Carroceria Delantera.stl
3.13 MB
Carroceria Delantera v2.stl
3.08 MB


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