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This is a Lyre style harp instrument that I designed in Fusion 360. Feel free to do whatever you want with this project.

This is what it sounds like. It can be tuned anyway you want.

I printed the pegs at 100% infill and printed the body at 40% infill. This project should take a day or less to complete. Print everything facing up, but the pegs can be printed facing upside down. I printed the friction tuning pegs with supports touching build plate, but they aren't absolutely needed especially if you print the pegs upside down.

Attach all the tuning pegs and tie each individual string. I used Nylon guitar strings and cut each nylon string in half so I could have twice amount of strings.

Feel free to use any nylon string, but they have to be nylon. To tie the strings on the holes, tie them like you would for a ukulele. If you have issues getting the tuning peg into the hole, lightly use a tiny bit of sandpaper and use a pair of pliers to twist them into the holes. Once you turn them a few times you can use your fingers to tune them. Here is a video explaining how to tie strings for a ukulele, the same applies for my instrument.

Design Files

File Size

DoganLyre v3.stl
585 KB
dogan lyre tuning peg v3.stl
63.2 KB


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