Spiral Chess Set (Large) - 3D Printed by BigBadBison
I scaled the King up to 300% and Printed it in 3 parts without any supports. After the scaling it ended up being about 12" tall. 20% Honeycomb infill was initially used because I wanted something that had a bit of weight to it, although it turned out to be a little excessive as I used almost the entire roll for this project. The second half was printed with rectilinear infill to reduce print time. I also used a heated bed at 80C which worked well, the print came off pretty easily at the end. For PET+, I turn off any print cooling fans to improve layer adhesion and run at 30mm/s or below, about half the speed of PLA. Despite the lack of active cooling I was still able to meet the 60 degree overhangs that this design demands.