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Google provides additional options related to when you receive a Google Alert email. You can set the time that you receive an email notification and you can bundle emails for multiple notifications into one email. NOTE. Who knows? Perhaps, at some point, Google will add similar types of alerts to Google Search Console. Doing so would make sense, as all the data is there already. But GSC only works for your website. With Ahrefs, you can set up alerts for competitors too. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. There's a solution, though: Kill your notifications. Yes, really. Turn them all off. You can leave on phone calls and text messages, if you must, but nothing else. You'll discover that you don't miss the stream of cards filling your lockscreen, because they never existed for your benefit. They're for brands and developers, methods by which thirsty growth hackers can grab your attention anytime they want. Allowing an app to send you push notific
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