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Seborrheic dermatitis is also called dandruff, seborrheic eczema and seborrheic psoriasis. When it occurs in infants, it's called cradle cap. A. Many eyebrow gels contain humectants that actually condition the hair. However, if your brows are especially fragile, avoid eyebrow gels that contain PEG-polyethylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, or fragrance. If you have sparse brows and have always dreamed of thicker, bushier "boy brows," this clear gel really lives up to its name, says makeup artist Natalia Thomas. It offers a light hold that doesn't make eyebrows look stiff. If you are frustrated by mascara that runs or lipstick that kisses off, you might be concerned that your eyebrow gel could transfer to a friend you are greeting, or worse, to their clothing. Most eyebrow gels will detail in the packaging if they are waterproof, and many boast that they are “non-transferrable.” If this is at the top of your list of concerns, double-check to be sure the formula you purchase specifically ad https://grow-eyelashes.info/
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