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Bitcoin is often considered to be the gold standard of cryptocurrencies. It is the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency, and it has a relatively stable price. That said, Bitcoin is still volatile, so there is still some risk involved. In most jurisdictions, any time you realize a capital gain on your crypto holdings, you are required to pay taxes. This includes cases where you trade one type of crypto for another, or use crypto to purchase goods or services. Emerging crypto developments such as decentralized finance DeFi and decentralized autonomous organizations DAOs are “likely to be the highest growth areas of crypto,” believes Bryan Gross, network steward at crypto platform ICHI. DeFi aims to recreate traditional financial products without middlemen, while DAOs could be considered a new internet community. Deposits into DeFi services surpassed $200 billion in 2021, and demand is expected to grow in 2022. https://binancetlo.com/
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