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Name: Calculatom Allegiance: Decepticon Sub-Group: Action Master Function: Communications Officer “I relay, without delay, all words the Supreme Commander says!” Cold, ruthless, logical, fearless, loyal, and calculating are all words that describe Calculatom. He was built as a countermeasure to the addition of Mainframe to the Autobot ranks. Galvatron uses him to ensure that all of his troops are connected to hear every one of his orders. Occasionally Calculatom makes suggestions on strategy and uses his access to all data posted on the Galacnet to assist the Decepticon cause. He utilizes a radio encryption decipher backpack to boost his capabilities and it converts into a microwave cannon to fry enemy circuits. Due to his lack of emotion and originality he can easily be caught off guard by unpredictable or irrational situations. Strength: 6 Intelligence: 8 Speed: 5 Endurance: 6 Rank:4 Courage: 10 Firepower: 8 Skill: 9 Teamwork: 7 A Transmasters Fan Club Original Character.