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So I was not going to buy a £100.00 machine that was only going to work in one orientation, as well as being that expensive . SO i have come up with what works better for me.
I have taken two 1/2 ratchet spanners, and 2 32mm box sockets.
the box sockets I have run a cutting grinder though both sides of each socket.
I designed and printed a few different types and now have one that just works. so I have two, prints two sockets and two ratchets.
I put the plastic 16mm strap round the parcel, then feed though the butterfly (or what ever its called the little plastic doda)
I then feed the two ears , one though each print then insert into the socket. I tighten up. be ceafull this can very easily snap the strap its so powerfull.
then just cut off with a knife.
Job done
hope you enjoy.
I do have what might be a better one in the pipeline, but it might just be over engineerd as it is a few parts now.