22mm to 38mm Step Mandrels

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22mm_24mm_26mm_28mm_30mm_32mm_34mm_36mm_38mm Step Mandrel Mandrel 4 starts at a 22mm Circumference, then steps up in even increments to a 24mm Circumference and ends with an 26mm Circumference.  Mandrel 5 starts at a 28mm Circumference, then steps up in even increments to a 30mm Circumference and ends with an 32mm Circumference.  Mandrel 6 starts at a 34mm Circumference, then steps up in even increments to a 36mm Circumference and ends with an 38mm Circumference.  Each Mandrel is 150mm High.   Perfect for Metal Model Building like Metal Earth, Piececool and other brands.  Print the even numbers one color and the odd numbers different color. Print them at a 50% infill  Keep checking back. I plan to make all kinds of tools for 3D Metal Model Building. So I will be adding more in the future. 

Design Files

File Size

34mm_36mm_38mm - Step Mandrel.stl
14.1 KB
22mm_24mm_26mm Step Mandrel.stl
13.9 KB
28mm_30mm_32mm - Step Mandrel.stl
13.9 KB


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