Bullet Headlight Trail Tech Digital Gauge V2 with Light Affect

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A Bullet Headlight Trail Tech V2 Gauge holder with light window. This besel holds the panel mount version digital gauge for Trail Tech's Tach-Hour, Volt, and Temperature Meter. This might also fit in other 60mm dash speedo holes as well. This design incorporates a small window that collects ambient light within the headlight bucket and shines onto the gauges surface. 

The light output  is not very effective but looks neat and does help a little with viewing the gauge should the gauges backlit function not be hooked up.  Perhaps an added LED within the bucket  could help with viewing functionality.  

The bezel is a super snug, snap in, and tight fit. 

This is a two part print that requires the Bezel Lens file to be printed from Clear Resin.  

Purchase the V2 Gauge - From Treats or from Trail Tech

Design Files

File Size

Bezel with Window.stl
780 KB
bezel lens.stl
99.1 KB


it looks good,and if somebody want to do print it,please contact us, we can help you print it in a short time.and also spray painting on the surafce as you need.we are the SLA 3D printing manufacturer, please email me at gaojiemodelsales01@163.com Debbie
Reply4 years ago
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