A Pair of Vases

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This pair of sculpted vases is designed to stand together and serve to decorate the interior and create a flower arrangement.

Dimensions: High vase - height 205 mm, width 65 mm, depth 43 mm. Low vase - height 195 mm, width 52 mm, depth 38 mm. Happy to scale the product as required.

The minimum wall thickness of 2.4 mm provides water resistance.

This Pair of Vases is designed for trouble-free printing without supports with maximum productivity. In order to increase the sticking strength of the model to the working platform, additional fasteningswere added to the PairVases-1 and PairVases-2 models, which must be used in conjunction with the "Skirt" function (the PairVases-1.0 and PairVases-2.0 models without additional fastenings).

Printed on a FDM printer with a nozzle of 0.5 mm, a layer height of 0.2 mm of ABS plastic. Plastic consumption: PairVases-1 50 grams. PairVases-2 50 grams.

Post-processing: grinding, chemical polishing with ethyl acetate. Coloring: acrylic enamels, brush painting.

Note: This model is designed for printing in normal mode (NOT "Vase" mode). A PairVases1-1Vmode.STL and  PairVases1-2Vmode.STL files has been added for printing in "Vase" mode.

Design Files

File Size

2.23 MB
4.73 MB
1.96 MB
5.13 MB
5.14 MB
4.73 MB


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