Bunny with a Attitude Mold

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This is a mold version of the awesome model found here https://pinshape.com//items/4167-3d-printed-bunny... of Tanya Wiesner.  The mold was printed on a Makerbot Replicator 1 Dual. .25mm Layer height 2 shells 10% infill in PLA.

I use Oogoo for casting attitude Bunny and you can find the recipient here:

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Make-Your-Own-Sugru-Substitute/ Oogoo sets in less than 10 minutes so printing molds is a great way to build an army fast :). Add a few drops of essential oil to the mix and after a few days your object will smell like that instead of vinegar. Have fun.

Design Files

File Size

2.34 MB


This is so cute.
Reply10 years ago
Chris Halliday
Looks like chocolate! Just got my brain going thinking of how I can convince myself to make nice edible treats. Well done mold and casting Dan Steele
Reply9 years ago
dan steele
Thank you. We use gelatin a lot to do tasty casting here...it turns out the consistency of gummy bears, I've been working on a tutorial for making them. I should have time to finish it up soon. I use ABS or Pet+ and put a food safe coating on it.
Reply9 years ago
Hello. I came across your Bunny creation searching the internet for someone that could turn my 3D image into a 3D 2 part mold. Do you provide those services? If not, can you please refer me to someone that could?
Reply6 years ago
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