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Summary Amazon Echo Dot Gen.2 plug mount I have used a self-made USB cable. Alternatively, the use of a purchased, short cable is of course possible. Update: Echo plug mount is for the 43,5x43,5mm plug Echo plug mount 515 is for the 51,5x51,5mm plug 30.12.2017 Update Echo plug mount 515 is for the 51,5x51,5mm plug - New Design, optimized Version ADD Echo Plug Mount_wo_Logo - s for the 43,5x43 without Logo Look also - Amazon Echo Dot Gen.2 Wall Mount + Add-On resonance body and Amazon Echo Dot Gen.2 hang mount + Add-On resonance body and Amazon Echo Dot Gen.2 stand + Add-On resonance body Print Settings Printer Brand: Ultimaker Printer: Ultimaker 2 Rafts: No Supports: Yes Resolution: 0,2 Infill: 35