Skull Island

Prints (0)


A traditional skull themed island. Nothing new and unique, but something I wanted to do after (once again) a suggestion and a sketch from Stuwaha when I was starving for ideas. Pretty easy to print, no supports required at all. The small bridge is only part that doesn't take well to scaling down, it might not print at all. Otherwise this is printable in small scale and unpainted looks kinda cool with a LED underneath.

Design Files

File Size

15.6 MB


Next challenge. Turn this into a dice roller.
Reply7 years ago
This is something that I have been looking for! I am going to alter it to have a hollow tube about 5mm in diameter going to the top. I will place a metal washer there and then this will be the perfect backflow incense burner. (For the washer I will want to create a small divot to put it in. I will also want to remove the waterfall from the eye, the smoke from the incense will be the waterfall)
Reply4 years ago
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