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This is a perfect fidget spinner design for anyone. I made it on the small side so if you have small hands it will spin without hitting your hands. It might print with some strands inside the holes for the bearings but they are easy to trim out with a knife. The caps should fit tight into the bearings. The holes are made for the regular size bearings that are 8 by 22 by 7 mm. If you like it please upload a print and comment on anything else you want me to make.
I use the monoprice mini 3-d printer. My splicing software is called Cura. I print it in pla at 190°c. Layer height is .1mm for fine details or .2mm if you need speed. Infill is 20% at lowest. If you have a heated bed you can use it if you want to. It shouldn't make much of a difference with this print.