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This model is designed as a fundraiser for an amazing program called First Descents ( First Descents runs outdoor adventure programs for young adults impacted by cancer. If you decide to download this model, please consider making a donation to First Descents through the following site. Thanks!
The model prints in one piece (with the exception of the paddle) and can move at the waist, shoulders, arm, and head in order to illustrate the motion of rolling a kayak. Print with supports for both files. A raft is recommended for the paddle file as it makes it easier to remove the small supports. When finished, remove the supports and carefully move the different joints in order to snap the supports inside. For the shoulders, push down on the torso and you will feel the supports snap (twisting the model to break this filament can break the axel inside the model). Be sure to also remove the supports in the bottom of the head before trying to move it. You can slide the paddle into the kayaker's arms and then use a small amount of glue to connect the second paddle blade.
Print Settings Printer: Da Vinci Jr. Rafts: Yes Supports: Yes Resolution: 0.2 Infill: 5%