Pine 64 Snap Enclosure - Pinestyle!

Prints (0)


This is a snap-fitting enclosure for the PINE64, the famous $15 64bit computer funded on Kickstarter in 2015. It's designed to offer something unique and exciting to complement the computer, and of course take advantage of 3D printing. You can access all of the ports and features with the enclosure fitted, or the snap fits allow you to very quickly pop it open without needing any tools. Great spot on top to store SD cards, USB sticks etc.

The bottom part is best printed with the base on your print plate (I printed with a brim), and the top part is best printed upside down, with the top laying flat on the plate. Only a small amount of support material is needed for the center section

This design was used as a tutorial I wrote for a Formlabs article called "How to Design 3D Printed Snap Fit Enclosures." Check it out for all the details on designing an enclosure like this.

Design Files

File Size

Enclosure 01 - Bottom.STL
1.5 MB
Enclosure 01 - Top.STL
2.79 MB


this is really nice. Keep it up
Reply7 years ago
Solidworks files available?
Reply6 years ago
Happy to send them to you if you let me know your email.
Reply6 years ago
Nelson Velez
I have seen two images about this product, in the tutorial (How to Design 3D Printed Snap Fit Enclosures) and this one. I would like to know if the image in the tutorial was printed or was made by another process, because they are different. Thank you!.
Reply6 years ago
Thanks for the question - I wrote the tutorial for Formlabs and used a FDM printer with the photos posted here. However, they also wanted to try the design using their Form 2 SLA machine, which have replaced some of my original photos. So yes all the photos are 3D prints, just using 2 different processes.
Reply6 years ago
Ahmed Alaa1
could you send to me the STEP file cause the STL is not working
Reply6 years ago
Hey, this is an amazing work ! Congraculations :) If you could send me the SolidWorks file, it would be amazing! This is my email adress : Many thanks :)
Reply5 years ago
sajed Moussawi
Hello, could you please send to me the STEP file and the solidworks files ?
Reply3 years ago
Hi, could you please send to me the STEP file and the solidworks files to
Reply3 years ago
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