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SummaryThe Trilobite Pattern Justifier, super heavy grav-tank for the Trans-Universal Dominion forces. This miniature was designed for Wayfarer Tactics, our fast, modular (as in "fully customizable") miniature gaming rules. If you want to check it out, it's totally free here on our site, so give it a download!. It is, of course, useful for any 15mm scale miniature wargame or RPG. If you want 28mm scale versions, just increase the size by 180% (provided your build plate can handle it). We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested in helping to fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Pocket-Tactics, Wayfarer Tactics. and others, not to mention the growing catalog of gaming miniatures that you can use for whatever you want! (Psst... we take requests and commissions...) Enjoy!Print SettingsPrinter Brand: MakerBotPrinter: MakerBot Replicator 2XRafts: NoSupports: NoResolution: .2Infill: 15%Post-PrintingASSEMBLYNo glue is required for assembling this model. As long as your printer is calibrated, the tolerances are such that the base snaps right in. The roof fits snugly, as does the turret, which can swivel. The face plate is slippery and difficult to keep on if unpainted, though once painted it has enough tack to stick in place (as long as you don't jostle it too much).