Prints (1)
If you print it and love it, please consider donating (min $1) by buying my models on Pinshape... Thanks kindly.
Addictive and easy to print, it's everyone's favorite math toy!
It's by far the best printed-in-place toy I've encountered.
I made my own Trihexaflexagon after all my attempts to print whpthomas' model were unsatisfactory, in terms of opening without breaking and flexing without effort. I use an Ultimaker2 and I tried customizing the tolerance up to 0.55 but in vain...
- Now indented links are looser and print better for me
- Indented clasp works better for me now with no heating
- Added chamfers for squished first layers
- Kept it thin (H=3.5mm)
- L=190mm (35mm per triangle side)
- Added a version with 1, 2 and 3 dots
- Now also a version with patterns!!
I hope this helps. If you make one, please share the pics!!! :)
The original, of course, remains GREAT WORK.
Vid: Original: About hexaflexagons: