Quick-Printing Bracelet Sizers

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How big is your wrist? What can you fit over your hand? Print this handy sizing set to help you figure it out, and save money, plastic, and time when designing bracelets.

The OpenSCAD code is included as a basic example of using the write.scad library.

Read more at Hacktastic: http://mathgrrl.com/hacktastic...


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Hacktastic blog:  www.mathgrrl.com/hacktastic

Shapeways geekhaus store:  www.shapeways.com/shops/mathgr... 

This design and all associated pictures and files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. If you want to use designs, images, or files outside of the terms of this license, please email request@mathgrrl.com.

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3.76 MB


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