DigiPixel Case (arduino)

Prints (0)


SummaryUpdate ( V5 ) -Fixed the Body/face as buttons didnt click properly and spacing of the PCB board was not great. -Fixed the power switch shape to fit the new body. -Fixed the battery cover as it was not fitting right and it didnt stick to the body. %% I am printing the case now to check if the changes made any difference Update Just tweaked the case, still working on it but after fiddling and a couple of prints I have something that resembles a case. -Still needs some tweaking but this case works for now. -Once I get the digispark I will make adjustments. Just got my Digipixel from Kickstarter and I've been working on this case. Now I can print the case and have a nice LED hand held. I am still working on the case, I will post pictures once it7s done printing. Enjoy and let me know if it worked for you, I placed everything separately as it could be multicolor. Also there is a case.stl which is the whole thing but I don't think it will print nicely. Also I still have no back as I am figuring out what best place the battery will fit. Cheers http://www.bradsprojects.com/the-digipixel/ Update Bumper fixed, made it a bit bigger, also might do one without homes for USB and battery (Will do after first full case completed)InstructionsWill update once I have the parts ready. You might have to flip 180 some parts so they can print. Cheers

Design Files

File Size

77.8 KB
18.8 KB
193 KB
4.38 KB
21.2 KB
22.3 KB
120 KB
475 KB
77.8 KB
491 KB
145 KB


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