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Summary The Lovely Lady is Captain Grayson Moonbeard's generous gift from his wife, Stella Starshine. Grayson is a brilliant Arceologist and with his daughter, Ellie, and the rest of the Lovely Lady's crew he is seeking the shine! Ellie Moonbeard and the Seekers of Shine is another great project by TikiGod Comics ( Go see them at the 2015 New York City Comic Con October 8th-11th! Also, Ill Gotten Games ( is working on a card based game with TikiGod Comics centered around Ellie and her adventures with her father. Good times will be had by all. Thanks to TikiGod for allowing me to be part of some cool stuff! Instructions I used MakerWare's standard setting and reduced the little one's by half. Easy print, ground up and no supports. The little one takes about 27 minutes and the full size takes about an hour and a half.