Dozer Shuttle (from Skyshine's Bedlam)

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Summary One of the expeditionary, armored shuttles that you send out from your dozer to explore the big chaos of Skyshine's Bedlam, currently my favorite tactical rogue-like, and occupying pretty much all of the (meager) video game time I currently get between projects. This is scaled to 18mm the scale we use for the majority of our models. Want a 28mm version? Scale up by 166.6% (if your build plate can handle it). We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Pocket-Tactics, Wayfarer Tactics. and others, not to mention the growing catalog of gaming miniatures that you can use for whatever you want! (Psst... we take requests and commissions.) Check it out here. Enjoy! (and go download Skyshine's Bedlam!)

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13.6 MB


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