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Summary The Wayfarer Random Alien Generator is LIVE! The following alien was generated with a click of a button... and then I made a model. If you play Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder, this is a pretty invaluable tool for coming up with aliens to populate your hub-worlds and intergalactic saloons and what have you. We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Wayfarer Tactics. Check it out here. XYN TL: 9 Step One: Attributes Attributes: STR+2 DEX+0 BUL+0 AGI+5 END-3 REA+0 PER+1 WIL+2 CRE+3 CHA-3 Step Two: Locomotors Locomotor: [STRIDING] The creature ambulates in the same way as a humanoid or flightless bird. (No adjustment) Step Three: Manipulators Manipulator: [ARMS] The creature possesses a pair of arms and may manipulate objects. (No adjustment) Step Four: Extra Adaptions Adapation: [FEELERS] The creature possesses two or more longated touchsensitive organs. (Acute Sense (Scent) 1, Acute Sense (Touch) 10) Adapation: [HIVE-MINDED] The creature plays a valuable role in a networked community that exists and functions similar to a singular entity (members of the species do not roll for individual personality scores, taking five plus or minus the species modifier for each. Roll an additional time for each personality trait when determining the species' modifiers). (Telepathic Link, Neuroticism -4) Adapation: [BEAK] The creature possesses a powerful beak. (Natural Weapon (Cutting/Piercing) 6) Adapation: [PREDATORY] The creature is built for stalking and killing prey. (STR +1, AGI +2, PER +1, Acute Sense (Scent) 4, Skill Adept (Stealth) 2) Adapation: [MORPHIC] The creature may, to some degree, change its shape and features at will. (Shapeshifter 3) Step Five: Personalities O.C.E.A.N.: Openness-2 Conscienctiousness-2 Extroverison-1 Agreeableness-2 Neuroticism-3 HOMEWORLD: XATUS K'TAR (hulk remnants left adrift in the refuse of the shattered planet) Step One: Travel DV Travel DV: 14+4d10 Step Two: Branar Stability Branar Stability: 184 Step Three: Magic Proximity Magic Proximity: Distant Step Four: Time Stream Time Stream: Fast ( x567) Step Five: Biome Biome: Asteroid Field Step Six: Inhabitants Inhabitants: Xyn Bio-Host Example NPCs for this alien race NPC: Bounty Hunter Attributes: STR(6) DEX(3) BUL(3) AGI(8) END(1) REA(3) PER(6) WIL(5) CRE(6) CHA(0) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(4) ACT(7) SPD(12) MAS(7) APT(5) Trunk Skills: Athletics+13 Detect+11 Larceny+10 Ballistics+8 Intuition+9 Presence+9 Melee+7 Survival+8 Technical+6 Branch Skills: Firearm[Specify]+9 Savvy+10 Tactics+10 Alertness+10 Stealth+12 Streetwise[Specify]+7 Barter+3 Courage+8 Intimidate+8 NPC: Engineer Attributes: STR(6) DEX(5) BUL(3) AGI(8) END(0) REA(5) PER(6) WIL(6) CRE(6) CHA(0) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(5) ACT(7) SPD(12) MAS(7) APT(7) Trunk Skills: Mathematics+10 Natural Science+10 Technical+10 Language Arts+4 Social Studies+9 Survival+11 Detect+9 Intuition+10 Visual Art[Specify]s+3 Branch Skills: Advanced Mathematics+10 Engineering[Specify]+10 Operate[Specify]+10 Alertness+10 Handle[Specify]+9 Fieldcraft[Specify]+11 Lift+11 Profession[Specify]+8 Study[Specify]+8 NPC: Gunslinger Attributes: STR(5) DEX(5) BUL(3) AGI(10) END(1) REA(3) PER(6) WIL(6) CRE(7) CHA(0) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(5) ACT(8) SPD(14) MAS(7) APT(5) Trunk Skills: Athletics+15 Ballistics+10 Detect+11 Aerobics+5 Melee+9 Presence+10 Larceny+8 Survival+8 Technical+6 Branch Skills: Acrobatics+15 Alertness+11 Firearm[Specify]+10 Courage+10 Legerdemain+9 Savvy+9 Brawl+13 Fieldcraft[Specify]+8 Tactics+8 NPC: Investigator Attributes: STR(5) DEX(3) BUL(3) AGI(9) END(0) REA(5) PER(6) WIL(6) CRE(8) CHA(1) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(4) ACT(7) SPD(13) MAS(7) APT(7) Trunk Skills: Detect+11 Intuition+12 Wordplay+6 Athletics+13 Larceny+11 Presence+10 Ballistics+7 Studies+3 Technical+8 Branch Skills: Alertness+11 Diplomacy+6 Savvy+12 Courage+10 Guile+12 Stealth+13 Streetwise[Specify]+8 Study[Specify]+8 Firearm[Specify]+7 NPC: Mage Attributes: STR(5) DEX(3) BUL(3) AGI(8) END(0) REA(5) PER(6) WIL(7) CRE(8) CHA(0) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(4) ACT(7) SPD(12) MAS(7) APT(7) Trunk Skills: Incantation+10 Language Arts+5 Social Studies+10 Detect+10 Intuition+11 Presence+11 Mathematics+8 Natural Science+8 Wordplay+3 Branch Skills: Chromatic Magic+10 Fluency[Specify]+13 Study[Specify]+10 Alertness+10 Control+11 Legerdemain+11 Advanced Mathematics+8 Diplomacy+3 Tactics+10 NPC: Outlaw Attributes: STR(5) DEX(5) BUL(3) AGI(10) END(0) REA(4) PER(6) WIL(5) CRE(8) CHA(1) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(5) ACT(8) SPD(14) MAS(7) APT(6) Trunk Skills: Athletics+15 Detect+11 Larceny+11 Ballistics+9 Presence+9 Wordplay+5 Melee+8 Survival+9 Technical+7 Branch Skills: Alertness+11 Guile+13 Stealth+15 Acrobatics+14 Legerdemain+10 Savvy+10 Disguise+11 Game[Specify]+9 Streetwise[Specify]+7 NPC: Researcher Attributes: STR(5) DEX(5) BUL(3) AGI(8) END(0) REA(5) PER(6) WIL(6) CRE(8) CHA(0) Functional: POW(4) FOR(3) CRD(5) ACT(7) SPD(12) MAS(7) APT(7) Trunk Skills: Mathematics+10 Natural Science+10 Technical+10 Intuition+11 Language Arts+4 Social Studies+9 Detect+9 Intuition+10 Survival+10 Branch Skills: Advanced Mathematics+10 Operate[Specify]+10 Scientific Study[Specify]+10 Study[Specify]+9 Engineering[Specify]+9 Fieldcraft[Specify]+11 Fluency[Specify]+11 Handle[Specify]+8 Profession[Specify]+8 NPC: Soldier Attributes: STR(7) DEX(3) BUL(3) AGI(8) END(2) REA(3) PER(5) WIL(5) CRE(6) CHA(0) Functional: POW(5) FOR(4) CRD(