6 to 8 mm nut test for clearance. .2mm steps.

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Summary I had to make a nut trap for a tiny nut that fit on a 2 mm machine screw. I made this so I could print out all sizes between 6 and 8 mm in .2 mm steps. sizes from smallest to largest are as follows. 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8 6.4 was a force fit, 6.6 was a snug fit and 6.8 was a loose fit. Your mileage will vary due to your settings and temperatures but if you need to know what size hole for a small nut as your printer is set up right now this is a handy and quick print that uses very little plastic.

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18.6 KB


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