Blue Dog V3 : Unibody Quadcopter

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Summary I designed this Quadcopter with the intention of making it quicker to assemble than other DIY kits. Here are the features: ARMS 4 Arms and Main plate form a single structure. No need to bolt the arms and main plate together. Arms desgined for 3100KV Motor with 5 MM shaft and M2 screws Arms have 2 pairs of slots for routing a cable tie. 40 MM max width of arm to accomodate upto 6A ESCs Arm thickness is 2 MM supported by a 5 MM wide and 10 MM thick under skirt. Skirt adds rigidity to the arms while also acting as a landing gear with wide load distribution. Main Plate 60 MM wide and 200 MM long main plate for placing Micro FPV camera, VTX, FC, RX and a 2S battery in the same plane 18 M3 holes evenly spread across the body for mounting accessories. Outer holes form a 30.5 square for mounting a CC3D board. Horizontal slits for rounting wires and velcros. Supported by 5MM wide and 10 MM thick under skirt. Adds rigidity to the 2 MM thick plate while also acting as a landing skid. Accessories: 10 Degree tilted FPV Camera Mount Tail for adding an Rx or its antenna Note that this is intended to be a not-fast quadcopter: aimed at FPV beginners. My goal is to create something like a Blade 180 QX with the power of brushless motors. I will be assembling this on my own when the print is ready. Instructions Added 3100KV Motors with 2 MM Bullet connectors. Will be using 6A ESCs on this. The Arms/Wings are warped a bit. More so on the left side. Hope it doesn't affect the flight too much.

Design Files

File Size

108 KB
4.04 MB
4.34 MB
186 KB


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