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MechWarrior Online Atlas, roughly 140mm tall.
Fully articulated, and tested, all parts should be 100% printer friendly and error free. Most of the joints are the same as the Articulated MWO Atlas by 7Fish (, aside from the ones that I edited (I added ball joints to the upper legs and in the shoulders, and I edited the ankle joint to allow for ankle tilt).
**If you would like to print one of my optional torso or weapon parts but want to print the rest of the Atlas by 7Fish (if you would like to use the prebuilt supports for eg.) you can do so, and everything should fit/work.
Includes "Atlas_AC20_Opt4_repaired" - a variant of the AC20 attachment, similar to the Atlas Solaris Hero "Kraken".
Heavy Gauss, enough said.
All the parts have been checked for errors and repaired. All the joints and pins have been test printed multiple times, and in varying orientations, and while some orientations are not the best suited for detail preservation, in all cases the pins/joints worked. So you should not have any problems.
Printing Instructions:
Atlas_Foot_V2 (Symmetrical) [Print 2] Atlas_Toe (Symmetrical) [Print 4] Atlas_LowerLLeg_V2 (Flip LowerLLeg in X-axis for right leg) [Print 2] Atlas_Knee (Flip Knee in X-axis for right leg) [Print 2] Atlas_UpperLLeg_V2 (Flip UpperLLeg in X-axis for right leg) [Print 2]
Atlas_Pelvis (Two options) [Print 1] Atlas_Pelvis_Add (Symmetrical) [Print 2]
Atlas_Torso Pin [Print 1]
Atlas_Torso (Three options) [Print 1] Atlas_SRM6 [Print 1] Atlas_AC20 (Three options) [Print 1 or 2 ~ depending on the torso you choose]
Atlas_Sholder_V2 (Flip Sholder in X-axis for right arm) [Print 2] Atlas_UpperLArm_V2.1 (Flip UpperLArm in X-axis for right arm) [Print 2] Atlas_Elbow_1_V2 (Flip Elbow_1 in X-axis for right arm) [Print 2] Atlas_Elbow_2 (Flip Elbow_2 in X-axis for right arm) [Print 2] Atlas_Elbow_3 (Flip Elbow_3 in X-axis for right arm) [Print 2] Atlas_LowerLArm (Flip LowerLArm in X-axis for right arm) (Two options) [Print 2] Atlas_Lower Arm Add (Symmetrical) (Three options) [Print 2]
If for some reason you do experience problems while printing, or would like to ask me something, please leave a comment.