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Building Tutorial

Altimeter Datalogger with Display. Components needed: BMP280 sensor I2C to 16x2 display converter Pre-made PCB board Arduino UNO Jumper wires Soldering iron and solder SD Card Reader. Step 1: Preparing and Soldering the PCB board Place the BMP280 and I2C to 16x2 display converter on the designated areas on the pre-made PCB board. Heat up the soldering iron to the recommended temperature. Apply a small amount of solder to the tip of the soldering iron to ensure a good connection. Starting with the BMP280 sensor, apply heat to one of the pins and add solder until it melts and adheres to the pad on the pre-made PCB board. Continue soldering the remaining pins of the BMP280 sensor, making sure to keep the sensor flat and aligned with the pads on the pre-made PCB board. Repeat the same process for the I2C to 16x2 display converter and the SD Card Reader, making sure to align the pins with the pads on the pre-made PCB board. Step 3: Coding the project using Arduino IDE Connect the Arduino UNO to your computer using a USB cable. Open the Arduino IDE on your computer and create a new sketch. Copy and paste the code given on the project page into the Arduino IDE. Compile the code and upload it to the Arduino UNO. Once uploaded, open the Serial Monitor to see the altitude readings from the BMP280 sensor and the display will show the altitude reading as well.

To see the full project, visit it on PCBway:

That's it! You have successfully soldered the BMP280 sensor and I2C to 16x2 display converter to a pre-made PCB for an Arduino UNO and coded it using the Arduino IDE.

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