The Mighty Painting Pineapple

Prints (0)


This is "The Mighty Painting Pineapple". Honestly, there's nothing really mighty about it. I got the idea from owning a couple of those Citadel Miniature holders. I found that they wouldn't hold onto some of my larger or more obscure models. So I just threw this together and found IT WORKS! Not only does it work, I actually prefer it. Its got a nice egg shape handle with a nice octogonal head that actually helps when you are trying to hold a model steady for painting. All you need is a little double-sided tape and your in business.

And because it costs almost nothing to print, you don't mind if it gets sprayed or cut up or nasty. You just throw it away if it become and embarrassment and print another! Save your $10 for Starbucks or a nice Chuck Norris DVD Combo pack. It'll at least give you something to listen to while your painting. Print a few of these and paint on Old Man!

Print Settings

Printer brand: Creality

Printer: Ender 3 Pro

Rafts: No

Supports: No

Resolution: 0.2

Infill: 15

Filament brand: Any

Filament color: Any

Filament material: PLA, PLA+ or an actual pineapple

Notes: Any material does the trick.

Design Files

File Size

Painting Pineapple.stl
109 KB


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