Turtle Guardian

Prints (0)



Magicians' coin case.

A turtle for a turtle, a case for your vulnerable gimmicks! It can hardly be opened with bare-hands once closed if you don't know where the lever is.

Interesting fact:

Did you know that an empty shell of a Chinese tortoise with copper coins inside is the equivalence of a Western crystal ball in the real Orientalism? Ancient Chinese came up with their unique fortune telling rituals in the same age they came up with binary codes and compasses.

Designed in Hong Kong.


Optimal fit can be achieved with a 3D printer and slicer that print with little size deviation from the stl. Your printer must be able to print small dents and gaps for the case to open and close. And you must follow the video instructions for the locking mechanism to last.

Design Files

File Size

Turtle Guardian (Top).stl
634 KB
Turtle Guardian (Bottom).stl
580 KB


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