SeeMeCNC Orion

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Product Details

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Open Source

Rating Summary

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Customer Service

SeeMeCNC Orion Prints 16

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Small wolfywip5 1 Small larandog tom.capizzi.9
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Spiral Vase

4 Reviews

5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
Small 944064 132822237095006 8363448473258942685 n By Ky3Merc on Oct 19 2016
Probably the best RTP Delta available.

Despite a few hiccups (Mostly my own failures in learning 3D printing as this was my first printer), I really can't complain too much about it as it's done everything I've seriously tried to get it to do.  I hate to use the term bulletproof, but I'd call it just that.  I've had it survive unreal crashes (One of them disembodied my effector plate, and shot the old-style u-clips across the room) without much trouble.  Even without having the prior knowledge of building it from a kit, I was able to put it back together every time without so much as glancing as a manual.  Even upgrading it has been a snap so far, and I look forward to installing the new HE280 hotend, ball-cup arms and injection molded cheapskates (Most of which come stock these days) I've ordered.  I've lost count how many times I've suggested this machine to people interested in breaking ground into 3D printing.  It's worth every penny, which is not something I easily say.

Small larandog By tom.capizzi.9 on Oct 20 2016
See-Me-CNC Orion

I wanted a cheap printer, and boy, I got one. My biggest complaint is the open source software that runs it. The latest few releases RADICALLY changed the way supports were generated, and it made my success rate *0%* until I dialed back to the old software (V1.4). I was told by the software team that they were moving forward with the current support creation scheme, so I guess my upgrade options are very limited.

Small athos.dark By alanbly on Oct 20 2016
Great little printer mixing functionality and value

This printer has taken just about everything I have thrown at it. From toys, to decorations, to cell phone accessories, I have been able to make clean prints with a minimum of fuss. Worked out of the box and didn't require any specialized tools. The software and slicing leave a bit to be desired and it would be nice to have replacements of smaller parts of the machine (not having to replace the whole cold end when the cover broke would have been nice). In general, this is a great hobbyist printer

Avatar small By profkanz on Apr 28 2019
SeeMeCNC Orion

Over all I'm very pleased with this printer. Easy to upgrade or customize. Customer service is top notch. The Freeware Mattercontrol software is easy to master with numerous variables to use in default or easily customize.

My only regret is not getting the bigger model

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