Laptop cooler cleaner module for vacuum cleaner - 3D Printed by Milena Bojović
Inner dimensions of the box is 80x16.5x19.5 mm enough to cover most of the laptop coolers. Longest side is 40mm and its functions is to be bottom limiter and for some laptop coolers closer of bottom holes near cooler. Vacuum cleaner hose inner diameter is 31.5 mm. It is protected with some electric tape to prevent layer separation due inside pressure of hose. Printed horizontally, long side to bed, without support. Print material: PLA Print temp: 195 C Layer thickness: 0.2 Nr. of shells: 2 Infill percent: 30% Slicer: CuraEngine Speed: 35 mm/s print speed, 30 mm/s outer perimeter, 80 mm/s infill Printer: Kossel Delta Printed horizontally, long side to bed, without support.